Make an Artifact Donation

We accept donations to the collection in keeping with the mission of the History Center. Offered items are taken to the Collections Committee, where they are discussed prior to final acceptance into the collection. Dropping an item off does not guarantee that the item will be accepted for the collection. Donors are encouraged to share with us any history about the donated item that can enrich its story.

If you have a question about a potential donation, please contact our Collections Manager, Alexus Kreft, at

  • A donation is a legal process. It involves a legal transfer of title from you to the Northfield History Center. You may drop an item off, but there are no guarantees it will be returned to you if it is not added to the collection. All donors must fill out a donation form.

  • The museum has two main functions in regard to the collection. First, it preserves its donated items for perpetuity. Safe storage methods are used to make sure that what is donated today can be seen decades into the future. Secondly, it makes items available for research. The museum may use the item in an exhibit for a short time, but the item is always available for anyone to study even if the general public doesn’t see the item exhibited.

  • Items in the collection cannot be on exhibit forever. Exhibiting items inherently damages them, so periods of rest and rotation are necessary to extend the lifetime of the item. Once removed from an exhibit, items are returned to storage and are preserved, awaiting the next time they are needed in an exhibit.

    Additionally, items on exhibit are still available for loans to other museums and for use in our programs. The item’s life does not end when it is no longer on exhibit to the public.

  • We do not want the public to donate items that are still important family pieces or that a family member will continue to treasure. Museum staff can work with you to figure out the best preservation plan for your item while it is still in your possession. If and when the time comes that the item is no longer cared for or your family no longer wants to keep it, please contact us to inquire about donating it. Many families find relief and take pride in the fact that their family items enter the public domain and will be preserved in a museum where all family members and generations to come will be able to enjoy them.

  • At the time of donation, legal possession of the item is transferred to Northfield History Center, which holds its items in the public trust. ‘In the public trust’ means that the public has ownership of the item as a significant piece of community history. The item no longer belongs to one person but to the entire community.

  • The short answer to this questions is that no, we do not take items on long-term loan. Our organization makes loans renewable each year so that items may appear to be at the museum long-term, but really the lender or the museum has the option to discontinue the loan at any time. Renewing the loan each year allows the museum and the lender to remain in contact and to respect wishes regarding changes in the loan or ownership during the loan period.

  • We do not accept short-term loan items without a specific and immediate need for the item (usually as it relates to an exhibit). Unsolicited queries regarding items that an individual wishes to see displayed but is not willing to donate will be declined. If you have something that you think would be of interest to the museum, please contact the museum and describe your item. We will note the information and your contact information and keep it on file for a future exhibit that your item may fit.

Make a Monetary Donation

Your monetary donations fulfill the mission of the Northfield Historical Society. 

What is closest to your heart?

  • Northfield History Center offers guided tours of the bank site to adults and children alike. Unfortunately, not every local school can afford to make NHC its field trip destination even with discounted pricing for schools. A donation to NHC can assist staff in taking history to the schools if the schools are unable to come to NHC.

  • NHC preserves objects, photos, and records that document our local history. Some donations come in as one item, but many others come to NHC by the box-load, such as the Sheldahl collection or the Maggie Lee collection. To make sure donations are preserved, acid-free folders, boxes, and photo sleeves are used to house these items. A donation to NHC can help purchase the necessary supplies to assure these items are available to the next generation.

  • NHC is fortunate to be housed in an historic building in the heart of downtown Northfield. Maintaining the 150+ year old structure can be a challenge and needed repairs are always expensive. Additionally, NHC is still making payments on its building loan. A donation to NHC can help defray standard maintenance costs, help us prepare for needed restoration to the structure, or make a monthly loan payment.

  • Staff at NHC work with aged items every day but to do so, modern technology is needed. From hardware to software, scanners, photography stands, and cameras, NHC must always use technology to its advantage to stay relevant. A donation to NHC can help purchase needed computer upgrades or external hard drives to store digital backups of newly reformatted items.

  • Northfield has many stories to share and engaging exhibits are one way NHC tells those stories. While the story of the bank raid is the most known story, visitors and locals alike have the opportunity to learn even more about the town through the temporary, feature exhibits on display. A donation to NHC can help purchase exhibit stands or acrylic boxes or even defray the printing costs for text panels.

  • You can make a one time donation to the Northfield History Center at the following link:

  • If you'd like to make a recurring donation, become a member of the Northfield History Center! You can learn more about membership benefits on our membership page.

  • Absolutely! You can learn about opportunities by contacting our executive director at

  • You can learn more on our legacy giving page.